California Oregon Advanced Transportation Systems (COATS) Update - November 21st, 2017


UPDATE: Tuesday, November 21st, 2017

COATS Phase 7 is facilitating ongoing technology transfer through the Western States Forum and continued demonstration and evaluation of ITS technologies through several incubator projects. Here is a brief summary of what was accomplished during the third quarter of 2017.

Western States Forum
During this quarter, the project team continued wrap-up activities from the 12th annual Western States Forum that took place at the end of the last quarter, June 20th – 22nd. The Forum website was updated with technical content and images from the event and evaluations were compiled. The Steering Committee reviewed the planning and operation of this year’s Forum, as well as the comments and feedback from participants.

Participants of the 2017 Western States Forum watch a presentation.

Photo by: Leann Koon

Save the Date! The 13th Annual Western States Forum will be held June 19th – 21st, 2018, in Yreka, California. Planning for the event will begin in the upcoming quarter. The meeting facility will be reserved, the event planner hired, and a Save the Date postcard will be distributed via mail and email. Midway through the quarter, the Call for Abstracts will be developed and sent out. The Forum and Consortium websites will be updated with the Call for Abstracts and event information.

Incubator Projects
Work on incubator projects has been on hold this quarter pending staff changes. A meeting to discuss the project workplans was scheduled for the first week of the upcoming quarter.

Make sure to check back next quarter for updates on the progress and status of the COATS projects.