UPDATE: Tuesday, May 1st, 2018
COATS Phase 7 is facilitating ongoing technology transfer through the Western States Forum and continued demonstration and evaluation of ITS technologies through several incubator projects. Here is a brief summary of what was accomplished during the first quarter of 2018.
Western States Forum
Planning for the 13th Annual WSRTTIF (June 19th-21st, 2018; Yreka, CA) continued during this quarter. Mid-way through the quarter nine abstracts were selected for presentation and demonstration at this year’s Forum. The first drafts of these presentations were reviewed at the end of the quarter.
Registration brochures for the 2018 Western States Forum were developed and distributed mid-March. Planning for meals and networking activities continued. For more information on the 2018 Western States Forum, please visit http://www.westernstatesforum.org/CurrentForum/.
To give you an idea of the event, here are some photos from the 2017 Western States Forum:

This year, speakers will come from five different states and present on a variety of ITS topics, many of which have a weather theme. Here is the anticipated agenda for this year’s Forum:
- Cellular Communications in Rural Applications (Keith Koeppen, P.E., Caltrans District 2)
- DWR Environmental Data Acquisition Stations (EDAS) (Bryan Prestel, California Department of Water Resources)
- Active Traffic Management (Blaine Van Dyke, P.E., Michael Burkart; Oregon Department of Transportation)
- From AWOS/RWIS to Caltrans Aviation Weather Information (Douglas Galarus, Melissa Clark, Derek Kantar; WTI/MSU, USU, Caltrans)
- Managing Winter Maintenance Costs and Increasing Safety through an Advanced Weather Visualization Platform (Ira Pray, Robert Koeberlein, Sara Lightbody, Zachary Spielman, Scott Wold; Idaho National Laboratory, Idaho Transportation Department)
- UDOT’s Snow and Ice Performance Measure (Jeff Williams, Cody Oppermann; Utah Department of Transportation)
- ITS, Signals, Signage, and Sign Structures Condition Rating Dashboard (Doug Spencer, P.E., Oregon Department of Transportation)
- Mobile Device App for Maintaining CMS Field Elements (Stephen M. Donecker, UC Davis)
- Adapting an Advanced Traffic Management System for Rural Deployment (Ansley Skillern, Amit Misra; Southwest Research Institute)
During the second quarter of 2018, planning will continue and culminate with the Forum at the end of the quarter. The final versions of presentations will be due at the end of May. Meals, networking activities, lodging, and other event logistics will be planned and coordinated. The project team will finalize the Forum How-To Handbook. Expect more updates both here and on the Forum project pages as the Forum approaches.
Incubator Projects
The following incubator projects will be pursued to address Caltrans’ needs and team member experience:
- Traveler Information Data Quality: a work plan will be developed in the upcoming quarter.
- How-To Handbook/Manual for the Western States Forum: the draft will be reviewed and finalized during the upcoming quarter.
- Cellular Telco Usage in Rural Environments: a work plan will be developed in the future.
Make sure to check back next quarter for updates on the progress and status of the COATS projects.