One Stop Shop (OSS) History


Real-time traveler weather information is a valuable tool in maintaining and enhancing both traveler safety and mobility. From a safety perspective, it is important for travelers to know before a trip about potential challenges that may impact their travel, including snow, ice, high winds, fires and other hazards that may degrade mobility. While such information may currently be available through a variety of sources, there is inconsistency in the types and quality of information available. In addition, the information is generally scattered over numerous web-based (and sometimes non-web-based) sources, meaning travelers must spend significant amounts of time assembling this information before making a trip. As a result of the effort involved with compiling this information, many travelers do not seek out all the information they need, if they even choose to seek that information at all. This may result in increased delays and diminished safety for the traveler.

Previous work completed by the Western Transportation Institute has explored the acquisition and dissemination of various traveler information elements at various spatial levels. This includes the provision of weather and traveler data through different website platforms. One such source is WeatherShare, which compiles available road weather data from various sources in California, including RWIS ESS data, and presents it in a map-based format. Additionally, the Integrated Corridor Management Clearinghouse and One-Stop Shop platforms employ this same weather data, along with other traveler information streams (CCTV, chain controls, etc.) to provide a map-based display of conditions throughout California. In all cases, these platforms combine weather data from various sources to provide detailed information in a comprehensible format regarding current and forecast conditions. When combined with multiple data streams such as closed circuit television cameras (CCTV), this weather information provides Department of Transportation (DOT) personnel and travelers with a more complete picture of data at a route-specific level.

At the 2014 ITS World Congress in Detroit, Michigan, the One-Stop-Shop was announced as the winner of ITS America’s Best of ITS Award for Best New Innovative Practice – Research Design and Innovation. ITS America presents these awards to “the most prominent and innovative transportation technology leaders in the Americas” whose projects exemplify innovation and demonstrate specific and measurable outcomes.” Take a look at the OSS Project update from September 18, 2014, for more information about the award.