UPDATE: Tuesday, March 9th, 2010 - Part 1
Sometimes truly unexpected events occur on the roadway. Notice the following closure message:

This is a two-part message, and here's the second part, which indicates a rockslide.

There aren't many alternatives to US 199 in the winter time, and you'll notice that the message along I-5, well before the junction with US 199:

Page two indicates "NO ALTERNATE ROUTE":

As if this isn't bad enough, there are other challenging conditions along the roadway. A sign near Yreka warns motorists to watch for icy roads and reduce their speed:

And it looks like there's a rock slide on California 96, as well. We don't have CMS data in One Stop Shop yet for Caltrans 2, but the CCTV images can provide useful information. In the following CCTV image, you'll see a corresponding message on a CMS:

A similar message here too:

And, as you get closer to US 199, a message signifying its closure appears: