One Stop Shop (OSS) Update - March 10th, 2010


UPDATE: Wednesday, March 10th, 2010

Is winter over yet?  Apparently not.  It looks like there was snow overnight.  One Stop Shop shows active CMS messages, including this one along US 199 in Oregon:

OSS Screenshot (3/10/10): A CMS near Grants Pass, OR warning of snow and ice on the roads for the next 18 miles.

As always, use caution:

OSS Screenshot (3/10/10): A second part to the CMS near Grants Pass, OR telling drivers to use caution.

A camera along US 199 shows the situation pretty well:

OSS Screenshot (3/10/10): A CCTV camera along HWY 199 shows winter road conditions near postmile 36.

A sign in District 1 indicates the same, as shown in this CCTV image:

OSS Screenshot (3/10/10): A CCTV camera along HWY 101 in Caltrans District 1 shows a CMS warning of winter road conditions.

To the east of Redding, on California 299, a District 2 camera shows what appears to be a very icy road:

OSS Screenshot (3/10/10): A CCTV camera in Caltrans District 2 shows extremely icy road conditions.

At the intersection with California 89, you'll find more of the same:

OSS Screenshot (3/10/10): A CCTV camera at the intersection of SR 89 and SR 299 shows winter road conditions.