UPDATE: Tuesday, November 29th, 2011

Photo by Leann Koon
Save the Date!! The 7th annual Western States Rural Transportation Technology Implementers Forum is scheduled for June 12, 13, and 14, 2012, in Yreka, California.
The Western States Forum is an annual event where implementers of ITS technologies have the opportunity to share technical information on best practices and field deployment experiences with fellow practitioners from across the western United States. The goal of the Forum is to provide for a high-quality exchange of technical information that can help to support better ITS deployment in rural areas.
Presentations are one to two hours in length allowing speakers to go into detail about what does and doesn’t work and why. The one and a half days of technical presentations and demonstrations are highly interactive and questions and discussion are encouraged throughout. The agenda allows ample opportunity to network and discuss successes, as well as failures, of rural ITS projects.
Forum attendees include professionals with hands-on involvement in ITS design and engineering, communications system development, systems integration, and field maintenance.
The Call for Abstracts will be available soon so please check back. For more information about the Western States Forum or to review technical presentations from previous Forums go to the Forum website at www.westernstatesforum.org.