WSRTTIF Update - March 27th, 2014


UPDATE: Thursday, March 27th, 2014

Registration for the 9th annual Western States Forum is now open! The 2014 Western States Forum will be held on June 17th-19th in scenic Yreka, California! The goal of the Western States Forum is to network with other professionals involved with rural transportation technologies and provide the opportunity to exchange in-depth, technical information on how various ITS technologies are engineered and implemented in rural areas. The Forum encourages learning and discussion about the benefits of ITS technologies as well as the successes and problems of different rural ITS solutions.

This year we are excited to have seven presentations and demonstrations on the agenda:

  • The Field Element Communications End Game: From POTS to Licensed Microwave
    Jeremiah Pearce
    Caltrans District 2
  • Caltrans Wholesale Web Portal 2 : Providing Caltrans’ Traveler Information Data to Third Party Developers
    Sean Campbell
    Caltrans Division of Research, Innovation, and System Information
  • Model 2070 Controller and ATC, Present and Future
    Herasmo Iniguez
    Caltrans Headquarters
  • Control of DMS, CCTV, HAR, & 511
    Phil Braun
    Idaho Transportation Department
  • Android Smartphone Application for Maintaining CCTV Field Element Devices
    Stephen Donecker
    AHMCT, UC Davis
  • LED Adaptive Roadway Lighting and WSDOT Illumination Reform
    Ted Bailey, Keith Calais
    Washington State Department of Transportation
  • Organized Chain-Up – Bringing Order to Chaos
    James Todd Daley
    Washington State Department of Transportation

There is no registration fee for the 2014 Western States Forum. With the networking opportunities, in-depth and relevant technical program, excellent location, low cost, and quality facilities, this will be an event you won’t want to miss. We hope you will join us June 17-19 in Yreka!

With the Forum only a few months away we ask that you would please register before May 16th. Attendance is limited so visit or download a brochure here for more information on the Forum and how to register.