UPDATE: Friday, January 18th, 2019
Plans are underway for the 14th Annual Western States Forum so Save the Date for June 18-20, 2019!

Photo by: Doug Galarus
Now is the time to submit an abstract for the 2019 Forum’s technical agenda! The program incorporates both presentations and live demonstrations about rural ITS topics and technologies. If you have implemented or improved a project because of participation in a past Forum, we highly encourage you to submit an abstract for presentation/demonstration at this year’s event.
Forum presentations cover a variety of topics related to ITS design and engineering. Speakers really delve into the details of a project, spurring dialogue about rural ITS system implementations and encouraging transparency about what worked and what didn’t work. Potential topics to be discussed are:
- Design, engineering and installation of rural ITS field applications, such as warning and safety systems
- Design, installation, calibration and evaluation of roadside traffic detection equipment (loop or non-intrusive)
- Applications of microwave, radio, cellular, and/or 802.11 WiFi communications
- Custom ITS application development
- Innovative applications of commercial ITS applications
- Lessons learned with application and development of standards and specifications (e.g., NTCIP, DOT specifications)
Previous Forum agendas have included topics in all these areas and more, with speakers hailing from multiple state DOTs, universities, and other transportation related offices. Here are a few examples:
- A Tale of Two RWISs (RWIS Trials and Tribulations) (2008)
- Cellular Communications in Rural Applications (2018)
- Commercial Wholesale Web Portal 2: Providing Caltrans’ Traveler Information Data to Third Party Developers (2014)
- Idaho’s Winter Performance Measures (2013)
- Photovoltaic Power Systems for Rural ITS (2011)
- PPPoE Security on Networks Utilizing Ethernet Interfaces (2017)
- Technical Development of the Western States One Stop Shop for Rural Traveler Information (2012)
- UDOT Automated Traffic Signal Performance Measures (2017)
- Washington State DOT LED Adaptive Roadway Lighting and Illumination Reform (2014)
- Weather Warning Systems in Oregon and Region 5 Interstate Access Gates (2007)
- WYDOT Roadside WiFi and Tablet App. (2015)
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Photos by Doug Galarus and Leann Koon.
Visiting the Forum website (www.westernstatesforum.org/PastForums) will give you an idea of the depth and breadth of the technical content expected for the Western States Forum.
If you are involved with a rural ITS project you think would be of interest to other technology practitioners, we would encourage you to consider submitting an abstract for presentation and/or demonstration at the 2019 Forum. For more information about the Forum and instructions on how to submit an abstract, please visit the Call for Abstracts page on the Forum website.
The deadline for submitting an abstract is Friday, January 25, 2019.