UPDATE: Thursday, May 6th, 2010
One of our projects that doesn't get a lot of attention is Integrated Corridor Management (ICM). ICM was developed for DOT personnel in California and Oregon so they could better recognize conditions on both sides of the California-Oregon border. ICM is very similar to One Stop Shop, where you'll find most of the same information and more. Let's take a look at ICM.
The first screen you see when opening ICM shows icons along the roads on both sides of the border.

You can zoom in for further detail. Here we take a closer look at I-5 near the border.

Click on an icon to see further detail. Here, a CMS message is shown. Note that the CMS icon is colored yellow to indicate an active message. The icon will be grey if there are no messages.

This icon reveals construction information:

RWIS (Road Weather Information Systems) icons present weather sensor information. It looks like the conditions are pretty good today along the Pass:

Camera images are available too, and this one confirms that it's a beautiful day along I-5 near Yreka:

The road looks good as you go up the pass towards the border:

And, Siskiyou Summit is clear too. There have been a few snow storms over the past several weeks in the area, so it never hurts to check conditions:

It's a beautiful day in Medford, too:

The screen might get overwhelming with all icons displayed. You can select which ones to view using the menu:

Incident/accident data from CHP is available too. Here we see a number of incidents further south:

The type and severity can sometimes be determined from the detail:

This one seems fairly harmless, although it was reported by CHP: