UPDATE: Monday, March 13th, 2017
This bad weather season has been particularly busy for the One-Stop-Shop (OSS), and it appears that winter is not letting up over the Western States region, including California. As we write this update early on the afternoon for March 6th, 2017, we see that there are over 60 users on the original One-Stop-Shop right now and 10 users on OSS Mobile. At various points this morning there have been over 100 combined users on both sites, and we have seen usage exceed 200 simultaneous users several times this winter. Snow is falling on Donner Pass, and a large section of the road is closed.
Heavy snow can be seen on Interstate 80 at Whitmore Grade, West of Donner Pass on March 6th, 2017:

A Nevada DOT CMS near the California border indicates the closure of Interstate 80 on March 6th, 2017:

A Nevada DOT camera image shows traffic backed-up due to the Interstate 80 Closure on March 6th, 2017:

Even though winter is not over, it is a good time to look at statistics for both the original, desktop version of OSS and OSS Mobile. There has been plenty of bad during this bad weather season, which means that it has been very good in terms of statistics for our systems!
From October 1st, 2016 through midday today, March 6th, 2017, there have been almost 310,000 user sessions on OSS Desktop. Over 154,000 came from California; over 64,000 came from Nevada; over 22,000 came from Oregon; and over 14,000 came from Washington. Surprisingly, Idaho has sent the next highest number of user sessions with nearly 5,500. Arizona and Montana come in sixth and seventh place, respectively, with over 4,000 user sessions each.
When grouped by metropolitan area, Reno, Nevada comes in first place with almost 74,000 user sessions. The Sacramento metro area sent nearly 56,000 user sessions and the San Francisco metro area provided nearly 38,000 user sessions. The Chico-Redding, Los Angeles and Portland metro areas all sent approximately 14,000 user sessions to the system. With the exception of two metro areas in Mississippi, two in Ohio, and one in New York, all metropolitan areas in the United States sent traffic to OSS desktop during this time period.
The following Google Analytics Map shows OSS Usage by Metropolitan Area:

Usage peaked in January 2017, and there were several days in which user sessions topped 9,000. On Tuesday, January 10th, 2017, there were 9228 user sessions. Sunday, January 22nd, 2017, there were 9025 user sessions. The most user sessions on a single day prior to the 2016-2017 bad weather season was 6190 on December 24th, 2015. There were 128,730 user sessions in January 2017, an all-time record for monthly user sessions.
The following Google Analytics graph shows OSS Usage between October 1st, 2016 and March 6th, 2017:

During this same time period, there have been nearly 14,000,000 CCTV camera views. On January 10th, 2017, over 500,000 camera images were shown to users via OSS. Users have viewed CCTV images from across nearly the entire Western States region, although Eastern Colorado and many urban areas do not get much traffic in terms of individual camera views. Cameras along both Interstate 80 and US 50 in the Lake Tahoe area get the most views of all. Northeastern California (Caltrans District 2), Interstate 5 in Northern California and Southern Oregon, US 97 in Northern California and Oregon, and Interstate 84 in Oregon and Western Idaho get the next most views. All corridors in the region, particular those that receive heavy winter weather, appear to be popular including Interstate 90 and Interstate 94, Interstate 15, Interstate 25, Interstate 80 and Interstate 40.
The following map shows the frequency of camera views in OSS between October 1st, 2016 and March 6th, 2017:

During this time period, three cameras have received over 200,000 views each. All three fall on Interstate 80 in the Lake Tahoe Area: Hwy 80 at Kingvale EB, Hwy 80 at Soda Springs WB, and Hwy 80 at Donner Lake. These cameras are generating a lot of views today, given the bad weather.
The Caltrans CCTV at Kingvale along Interstate 80 shows heavy snow on March 6th, 2017:

The Caltrans CCTV at Soda Springs along Interstate 80 appears to be covered with ice on March 6th, 2017:

The Caltrans CCTV at Donner Lake along Interstate 80 shows snow and reduced visibility on March 6th, 2017:

OSS Mobile hasn’t caught up to the original, desktop OSS, but it does appear to be gaining usage. OSS Mobile went online November 15, 2016 and has generated 30,232 user sessions between then and midday March 6, 2017. The most user sessions in a day was 1349 on Thursday, January 12, 2017. On both January 10th and January 11th, 2017, the system had over 1000 user sessions.
Usage has come from all 50 states, with California yielding nearly 16,000 user sessions and Nevada having almost 8000 user sessions. Oregon has provided over 1500 user sessions and Washington has generated just over 800. The Reno metro area leads all metro areas with over 8300 user sessions. The Sacramento and San Francisco metro areas have produced approximately 6000 and 5300 user sessions respectively.
Mobile users have viewed over 623,000 CCTV camera images. Users have also viewed over 100,000 CMS sign messages, nearly 80,000 chain control messages, and almost 76,000 incidents via the mobile interface. The patterns for what users are viewing in OSS Mobile is similar to that for the desktop version, although there is additional usage shown near Bozeman, MT, where WTI is located.
The following map shows the frequency of camera views in OSS Mobile between November 15th, 2016 and March 6th, 2017:

The most-viewed cameras are somewhat surprising. A Caltrans camera on US-6 near the Nevada state line northeast of Bishop is most popular with 8296 views. Next is the Caltrans camera near Floriston, along Interstate 80, which received 7533 views. A Nevada DOT camera south of Reno along Interstate 580 has received 7371 views, and the Caltrans camera at the Truckee Scales along Interstate 80 received 6899 views.
This Caltrans CCTV along US-6 at Nevada State Line is the most-viewed camera in OSS Mobile as of March 6th, 2017:

The Caltrans CCTV at Floriston along Interstate 80 shows snow on March 6th, 2017. This is the second most popular camera in OSS Mobile as of March 6th, 2017:

This Nevada DOT CCTV along Interstate 580 @ S Virginia Off Ramp South of Reno is the third most popular camera in OSS Mobile as of March 6th, 2017:

The Caltrans CCTV along Interstate 80 at Truckee Scales is the fourth most popular camera in OSS Mobile as of March 6th, 2017:

Be sure to check the One-Stop-Shop and OSS Mobile to help plan a safe trip!