UPDATE: Wednesday, June 23rd, 2021
It’s time to register for the 2021 Forum!

Same high-quality event, different time of year!
We invite you to Yreka, California in the fall for two days of technical, ‘nuts and bolts’ discussions about rural ITS projects. The 16th Annual Western States Forum will be October 5-7, 2021, and you can register now!
Here’s what you can expect for the technical agenda at this year’s Forum:
ASWSC Phase 3: Migration of the Automated Safety Warning System Controller to the Caltrans Advanced Transportation Controller Platform
Douglas Galarus, Jeremiah Pearce, Jeff Worthington
Montana Tech, Caltrans District 2Development of a Truck Parking Occupancy Prediction Algorithm for Use in a Truck Parking Information Management System for Washington State
Frank Yang, Wei Sun, Yinhai Wang – University of Washington STAR Lab
Karthik Murthy, Matt Neeley – Washington State DOTEvaluating Methods for Wrong Way Driving Deterrence
John Slonaker
Caltrans Division of Research, Innovation, and System InformationField Site Power Data Acquisition and System Reporting
Kenneth Shipley
Caltrans District 2Innovative Uses of UAV Technology
Tony Leingang, Alyssa Ryan
Washington State DOT, University of Massachusetts AmherstUDOT’s Statewide Wrong-Way Detection, Design and Implementation Project
Troy Torgersen, Tyler Laing, Brad Lucas
Utah Department of TransportationWrong Way Driver Systems: Technological Solutions for Behavioral Problems
Rick Tydeman
Nevada Department of Transportation
Each presentation / demonstration will be one to two hours long with extended breaks in between. The longer presentations allow speakers to really get into the details of a project and discuss what worked and what didn’t work. Participants are encouraged to ask questions during a presentation, not just at the end, which further spurs practical discussion. The longer breaks between presentations coupled with the networking sessions provide ample opportunities to exchange ideas and experiences with peers in an informal atmosphere. You can see the event schedules and photo galleries, as well as review the technical content from past events on the WSF Past Forums page.
You don’t want to miss this event! The Forum offers:
- Networking opportunities
- In-depth and relevant technical program
- Excellent location
- Low cost
- Quality facilities
With the support of the Western States Rural Transportation Consortium (WSRTC), the event is affordable. There is no registration fee, all meals are covered, and lodging is available at the state government rate.
Sign up now! Go to the Forum Registration page or follow the link in the brochure (pdf) to register for the event.
Please register by September 3rd. Note that attendance is limited, and registration will close when the maximum number is reached or on September 3rd, whichever comes first.
You can find lodging information, maps and directions, things to do around Yreka, and technical content from previous Forums on the Forum website.
See you in Yreka this fall!