UPDATE: Thursday, April 4th, 2013
The WSRTC held its annual winter Steering Committee meeting on March 8th, 2013, via teleconference. Fifteen participants from all four Consortium states (California, Oregon, Nevada, Washington) were on the call. Take a look at the meeting agenda here or on the Consortium’s Documents page.
David Veneziano opened the meeting with a welcome and an overview of the meeting’s purpose and agenda. Introductions were made by all of the participants.
Leann Koon gave an update on the plans for the 2013 Western States Forum. Registration is open and logistics are being put into place. This year, the agenda will include diverse topics and presentations from five different states.
The group discussed the travel task orders and how best to incorporate and administer remaining and future funds. A no-cost time extension for Task Order 2 (One Stop Shop) will be pursued to cover another full bad weather/winter season.
David discussed the progress of the current incubator projects, providing updates on the safety warning devices/systems synthesis and the regional ICM project. Both projects are progressing and the group had several items to contribute in follow-up. In preparation for the group’s selection of an applicable study route, a white paper will be produced about the ICM project and its approach. The safety warning devices/systems synthesis has received positive feedback with a number of respondents expressing strong interest in receiving the final report. Deliverables for these incubator projects will be posted here upon completion so check back soon.
A number of ideas for incubator projects were proposed and discussed for the next round of projects. You can review the current incubator project idea list here and in the project section of the website.
Doug Galarus described WTI project work that would be of interest to the group including Automated Safety Warning Controller, Professional Capacity Building (PCB) for Communications, OSS, WeatherShare, Integration of Aviation AWOS with RWIS, and WeatherShare Integration with QuickMap. The meeting concluded with the traditional roundtable discussion about Rural ITS and related projects each of the member states are working on. All of the states are busy designing, installing, and deploying a large number of ITS projects in rural areas and the roundtable served to encourage dialogue and the sharing of relevant experiences on a variety of ITS technologies.
To review the meeting minutes, click here, or go to the Consortium’s Documents page. The presentation from the meeting is also on the Consortium’s Documents page.
The next meeting of the WSRTC will be held just prior to the start of the 2013 Western States Forum on June 18th.